In memoriam linda
We live in the outskirts of Sta. Eulalia in an old Finca with some fish, a cat named Niu and a Great Dane named Drako. As he is a very big boy (82 kilos!) it is difficult to find other dogs to play with as most of them get frightened and start barking, only a few are really suitable for his appearance. Last year somebody bought the ground in the direct neighbourhood and started constructing a house, and after a few months we were very happy to see that a doggie lady appeared there – a Great Dane! She was a bit skinny but those dogs usually are very slim anyway, so we thought of making a visit so both could get to know each other better. But the lady was very bitter, she did not let Drako come close and started growling on him. One could see she did not have the most happy life before she arrived here as she had a very sad face and wasn’t in best shape. The owner must not have taken care of her at all, and this reflected in her behaviour. Drako visited the ground every single day to see if she would change her mind but she didn’t. With the time she got better, put on some weight and got more and more friendly with the workers and with me. Only with Drako she still did not establish any relationship.
That is the state she was in when she already lost weight…
Winter came and it started to get cold, so i asked if she sleeps inside the house and they told me yes, she can choose between inside and outside. You must know that Great Danes are very sensible when it comes to cold so knowing that i was tranquilo. Then, about 3 weeks ago, she started to get very skinny and had a different expression on her face, as if she was not well at all. One of the workers was taking care of her, feeding her and renewing the water constantly and told me the same, she was hardly eating…
She got worse and worse and lost weight rapidly, until one day i said they have to do something, at least take her to a vet so they can find out what is wrong with her. But it was already late, a few days later i was looking for her and found her on the other side of the ground, laying in the green, only skin and bones and ready to die. I took her on my arms and brought her to our house, she was weighing about 30 kilos, a healthy Great Dane lady should weigh around 60 kilos…
After having her at home i called Duo and Ibiza4Patas, the latter answered immediately and came to visit her. They called a veterinary, Sylvia from ‘Vet & go‘ and after seeing her she said that the dog is in very bad condition, the blood test showed that she had Leishmaniasis in a very advanced state and one kidney was seriously damaged. She must have come with the Leishmaniasis already a few months ago but, as this parasite affects you in two ways, one is the outer organs such as skin, joints, eyes, ears etc., the other is the inner organs. If it touches the inner organs you hardly see anything as dogs do not tell you they are in pain. I saw one dog with Leishmaniasis without any visible symptoms and by the time the blood test came it was already too late. One of my dogs had it and lived for many years and Drako got it as well, but we detected it in time and there is no problem with it.
After knowing the terrible diagnosis we tried to animate her to eat something but she couldn’t as the kidney was not working and the urea was coming up her intestines, poisoning her from the inside. Sylvia came by our house 7 times in 5 days doing the best she could but she already said in the beginning ‘if this dog survives it will be a miracle’. The lady was so loving and sweet in her last days that i named her ‘Linda’ which means ‘cute’ or ‘lovely as nobody knew her real name, and after 5 days at home without eating she finally collapsed and died in my arms. We buried her on the ground she was living in her last few months, finally being free and enjoying her divine existence.
But she deserved a better life, why getting a dog if you don’t care?? Her owner did not call once in all the months, even as the workers tried to contact him to come and pick up his dog he did not answer or showed up, this is something i can not comprehend or tolerate, if it would have been my dog i would have been every few days on the lot to see how she is. Looks like he wanted to get rid of her, maybe even knowing she had the Leishmaniasis, who knows…
The question now is who is responsible for Linda’s death? Is it the construction company for not getting medical help to her? Is is the owner who abandoned her? For me it is the owner as it is not sure why the dog was living there, if it was for the purpose to guide the construction and it was an official ‘job’ then it is the construction company who has to be held responsible for her suffering. This will be decided by law as Ibiza4Patas will file charges against the construction company to find out the circumstances.
What do we learn from this story? Whenever and wherever you see an animal in a bad state do something, act as soon as possible as domestic animals depend on us, they are not a thing but a living being and a part of us as well. There is a number from a police department called ‘Seprona‘, the number in Spain is 062, you can call 24h and, without having to leave your name if you don’t want, they take care of the situation immediately, protecting the animal’s rights.
Ibiza4Patas did a fantastic job, they acted immediately and called almost every day, they took over the costs of Sylvia from ‘Vet & go‘ and are now trying to recoup the money spent, it is 105 Euros, a very fair price for so many visits and treatments. They do not get any support by the government so please, if you want to support their work and make a donation then visit their homepage here. They consist of voluntary workers helping animals in their spare time and deserve our deepest respect. ‘Vet & go‘ is an organisation coming to your home if you got an animal that needs medical assistance, visit their facebook page here or call Sylvia at 600 838 383.
Tags: ibiza4patas, leishmanasis, linda, vet & go
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Comments (5)
Denise Gheorghiu
I love Animals exspecially Birds,Flamingos every kind of Animals.Thank you for your Message,Think positiv. I ‘ll spend some for the dogs and cats. Many Greetings, Denise
thank you Denise :)
I would like to thank you for your compassion and for taking in the poor girl and looking after her in her final days. At least when she died, it was in the arms of somebody who cared about her and not just thrown away like rubbish. She knew the warmth and love of a home.
I hope that the owners of Linda get into big trouble because of this and that they are never allowed to have animals again.
Thank you again for being so kind.
diese geschichte lässt mich gar nicht los …bin so unglaublich traurig das die menschen den hund so gesehen haben und nicht vorher gehandelt haben…es ist unsere pflicht wir sind schutzbeauftragete über andere menschen kinder und TIEREN …egal ob klein oder gross…auch wenn das nur eine tropfen auf dem heissen stein ist ist mein herz etwas glücklicher zu wissen das er bei euch seine letzten tage verbracht hätte ihr nichts besserers in dieser situation widerfahren können….mein respekt und dank an euch ihr seit in meinen augen die wahren helden…ruhe in frieden
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